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Approved Regular Commission Meeting Minutes for September 4, 2019


Commissioners Present
Ernie Loveless, Chair
Teresa Barrett
Susan Gorin
Rich Holmer
Lynda Hopkins
Jean Kapolchok
Pam Stafford

Alternate Commissioners Present
Mark Landman

Staff Present
Mark Bramfitt Executive Officer
Carole Cooper, Assistant Executive Officer
Verne Ball, Legal Counsel
Cynthia Olson, Administrative Analyst
Diana R. Wilson, Clerk

Approved Regular Commission Meeting Minutes for September 4, 2019

1. Call to Order by the Chair

The meeting was called to order by Chair at 2:00 p.m.  The following voting members were seated at the dais: Commissioners Loveless, Stafford, Gorin, Kapolchok, Holmer, Barrett, and Hopkins.

2. Public Comment:

The Chair opened the public comment period and, seeing no one rise, closed the public comment.

3. Consent Calendar

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 7, 2019

  2. Report of Final Expenditures and Revenues for Fiscal Year 2018-19

    Commissioner Gorin requested information regarding over expenditures in the budget report and asked if the additional expenses should be increased in current budget to reflect the increased volume of work. Staff responded by explaining the cause of the overages, including the clarification that compensation for some of the Legal Services would be reimbursed, and indicated where those items are reflected in the report.

    Upon motion and second, approved items on the Consent Calendar as recommended by staff.
    Ayes:                   7   Loveless, Stafford, Gorin, Kapolchok, Holmer, Barrett, and Hopkins
    Noes:                   0
    Abstain:                0

4. Public Hearing Protest Hearings


5. Regular Calendar

  1. West County Fire and Emergency Service Agencies Municipal Service Review – Adoption of Determinations Environmental Determination: Exempt Pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines

    Staff explained West County Fire and Emergency Service Agencies Municipal Service Review – Adoption of Determinations and answered questions from the Commission. Chair Loveless recommended that the West County Fire and Emergency Service Agencies Municipal Service Review (MRS) resolution be sent out to all the participants of the MSR.

  2. Upon motion and second, approved items on the Consent Calendar as recommended by staff.
    Ayes:                   7   Loveless, Stafford, Gorin, Kapolchok, Holmer, Barrett, and Hopkins
    Noes:                   0
    Abstain:                0

  3. Appointment of Chair Ernie Loveless as Sonoma LAFCO Voting Delegate and Commissioner Teresa Barrett as Alternate Voting Delegate at 2019 CALAFCO Annual Business Meeting
  4. Staff explained the item and informed the Commission that staff would bring additional information to the October 3 meeting regarding a potential change in the dues structure for CALAFCO.

    Upon motion and second, approved as recommended by staff
    Ayes:  7   Loveless, Stafford, Gorin, Kapolchok, Holmer, Barrett, and Hopkins
    Noes:      0
    Abstain:  0

    The Chair opened the public hearing and, seeing no one rise, closed the public hearing.

6. Information/Report Items - Informational and/or Direction

  1. Legislative Report (Verbal)

    Staff provided details regarding the status of pertinent bills of interest and answered questions from the Commission.

  2. Executive Officer’s Report (Verbal)

    The Executive Officer reported that he provided an informational report to the Sonoma County Grand Jury that was well received and made a presentation to the County Planning Agency last week. He stated that a meeting with the Sonoma County Taxpayers’ Association would follow the next week.  The Executive Officer further reported that all staff conducted a “LAFCO 101” for Permit Sonoma staff earlier in the day, focusing on LAFCO’s role and mission; responsibilities for reorganization of territory; and authorization of extension of services outside agencies’ jurisdictional boundaries.
    The Executive Officer reported that the Sonoma County Fire District had requested a Sphere of Influence Amendment covering the Russian River Fire Protection District and possibly Forestville Fire Protection District. In addition, staff had received a letter from the Geyserville Fire Protection District and Cloverdale Fire Protection District requesting a reorganization in the North County area.

    The Executive Officer reported that he is currently working on a Municipal Service Review (MRS) for the Sonoma Valley Fire agencies.

7. Public Comment on Closed Session Item

    The Chair opened the public hearing and, seeing no one rise, closed the public hearing.

8. Closed Session: The Commission will meet in closed session for the following: Public Employee Appointment, extension of contract for Executive Officer. (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1)).

    Closed Session began at 2:20 p.m.

9. Report on Closed Session.

    Commission back in session at 2:38 p.m. The Chair reported the result of the Closed Session: the Commission decided to compose a letter to the County Administrator notifying the County that the Commission wished the Executive Officer’s contract to be extended.

10. General Announcements

    Commissioner Holmer informed the Commission that will be unable to attend the October 2, 2019 meeting.

11. Confirm Meetings

    Commission Meeting: October 2, 2019, at 2:00 p.m.

12. Adjournment

    The meeting was adjourned at 2:39 p.m.