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Staff Report 3.2

Meeting Date:October 2, 2019
Agenda No.:Item 3.2
Agenda Item Title:

Cloverdale Reorganization No. ANX 01-2019 (Sonoma County Vintners Co-op Inc.)

LAFCO File No:



Sonoma County Vintners Co-Op, Inc.


Request for a reorganization involving annexation of a single parcel totaling approximately 4.7 acres to the City of Cloverdale and detachment from County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services)


Generally located along the west side of South Cloverdale Blvd./U.S. Highway 101, south of Sandholm Lane, and north of Kelly Road, south and west of the City of Cloverdale

General Plan:

County – Limited Industrial
City – General Industry (GI)

Environmental Determination:

Mitigated Negative Declaration, prepared by City of Cloverdale

Staff Contacts:Carole Cooper



The Sonoma County Vintners Co-op, Inc. has requested a reorganization involving annexation to the City of Cloverdale of a single parcel, which it owns, generally located west of South Cloverdale Blvd. and U.S. Highway 101, south of Sandholm Lane and north of Kelly Road, south and west of the City of Cloverdale. The affected territory totals approximately 4.7 acres (APN 117-040-101).

The parcel is within the City’s LAFCO-determined sphere of influence and voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary, as well as in the “urban service area” boundary for the City in the Sonoma County General Plan. Upon annexation, it would be detached from County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services) but would remain within the Cloverdale Fire Protection District whose territory includes and surrounds the City.

The subject parcel, which slopes gently toward South Cloverdale Blvd, was historically the site of timber processing operations; it is currently vacant, with just a few trees and large areas of exposed earth partially covered by wood chip remains and weeds. A gravel driveway crosses an area in the back of the property toward the northwest corner where it widens to a parking lot and vehicle turn-around.

The parcel is proposed to be developed as a 97,375 square-foot warehouse for wine storage and distribution (shipping and receiving) and a 2,195 square foot office. As proposed, the development would also include improvements: a parking area, a loading dock, driveways, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and landscaping. The adjacent South Cloverdale Blvd. would be widened and accommodate installation of a bike lane. The business would function with up to 10 employees and would operate all day, every day all year round.

Properties surrounding the affected territory support a variety of uses and development. Just south of the Vintners Co-op parcel is a property utilized for wood processing and storage of processed wood chips. The parcel to the west is used for grazing, while just north are an indoor/outdoor public storage facility and the location of the Renner Fuel Station; the Commission approved the annexation of that parcel in August. Going east, U.S. Highway 101 runs parallel to South Cloverdale Blvd., and across the freeway is a large property whose annexation to the City the Commission approved in 2010. Projected as the site for the Alexander Valley Resort; this area remains undeveloped, according to City staff; the project is still approved, but no developer/builder has been retained.

 It should be noted that a long driveway located immediately beyond the northern border of the subject territory allows access to a large unincorporated parcel to the west. Like others in the immediate area, this parcel is currently the subject of discussions with the City regarding potential annexation. In that both City staff and property owners hope to move forward shortly in that effort, staff believes that no conflict with annexation of the subject parcel exists: no island would be created.

Reason for Proposal

The applicant states that the reason for the application is to obtain municipal services provided by the City for development purposes, in an area that is close to the current City boundary and accessible to the freeway.

City Action: Pre-Zoning

The Cloverdale City Council initially considered design review, plot plan review as well as pre-zoning for the affected territory in March 2019, subsequent to evaluation by the City’s Planning Commission. At its meeting of April 10, 2019, the Council pre-zoned the parcel to the General Industrial (M-1) Zoning District, consistent with the General Industry (GI) land-use designation in its General Plan. The GI designation and M-I zoning district are intended to allow for industrial uses that have as little environmental effect as possible and are located away from residential areas and sensitive habitats.

The Council determined that the project was consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the City’s General Plan and would implement its provisions. The City further determined that the focus on industrial development at the subject location would not affect established residential areas and the City would gain improvement in an unimproved public right-of-way, widening of a local street, and construction of bicycle lanes and sidewalks, all enhancing the area. Additionally, the City determined that the proposed development would reflect, and would be compatible with, the industrial character of the neighborhood. The City is exploring the possibility of forming an assessment district to finance infrastructure in the area.

City Action: Environmental Review

In that the property owner proposed both annexation of the subject parcel and development as a wine storage facility, the City, as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), prepared an Initial Study to assess the impacts of the project. The Initial Study found that the project would have no impact or less than significant impact for a variety of environmental factors; however, potentially significant environmental impacts would occur, unless mitigated, to biological resources, transportation/circulation, cultural resources, air quality, geology/soils, and noise.

The Initial Study concluded that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was the appropriate level of environmental impact for the project. In March 2019, the City Council reviewed and considered the Initial Study and its conclusions and, in Resolution No. 018-2019, adopted the MND as well as mitigation measures, in a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, to reduce the environmental effects to less-than-significant.

Of the six areas that the Initial Study called out as having a potential significant effect on the environment unless mitigated, important from a LAFCO perspective is the impact on transportation and circulation to the extent that it would affect the Commission’s determination whether or not to approve annexation.

In this situation, the Initial Study concluded that, although nearby streets would continue to operate at acceptable levels of service during peak am and pm hours, as mitigation for the impact of the development of the wine storage facility, the  project developer would pay a “street and thoroughfare development impact fee” to the City based on the project’s fair share responsibility of the cost of a traffic signal installation (calculated at nine percent) at the intersection of South Cloverdale Blvd. and Santana Drive; additionally, a “do not enter” sign would be installed at one of the driveways associated with the project.

The Commission is a responsible agency for the proposal pursuant to CEQA.

Copies of the City’s actions can be found as Attachment 3, for Commissioners’ information.

Consent of Owner

In that the owner of the subject parcel initiated and consented to the application to Sonoma LAFCO, pursuant to state law, the Commission may waive the protest proceeding.

Individual Factors for Consideration

California Government Code section 56668 describes 17 factors to be considered in the Commission’s review of a proposal. The review must include, but is not limited to, consideration of these factors that are outlined and addressed in Attachment 1.


  1. Approve the reorganization, pursuant to the following findings and determinations:  
    a, The affected territory is within the sphere of influence of the City of Cloverdale, within the City’s voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary, and within the “urban service area” boundary for the City in the Sonoma County General Plan.  
    b. The reason for the reorganization is to obtain municipal services provided by the City for development purposes, in an area that is close to the current City boundary and accessible to the freeway.
    c. The City has indicated that it can provide services to the subject territory upon annexation.
    d. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Sonoma County General Plan.  
  1. Regarding the Commission’s responsibilities pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act,  
    a. Certify review and consideration of information contained in the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the City of Cloverdale. 
    b. Make findings required of a responsible agency in accordance with the provisions of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.
    c. Direct staff to file a notice of determination in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.                                                                                
  1. Waive protest proceedings pursuant to section 56662 of the California Government Code, in that the affected territory is uninhabited, pursuant to Section 56079.5 of the California Government Code. No affected local agency has submitted a written demand for notice and hearing; and the owner of land has consented to the proposal.

  Staff has prepared a draft resolution for the Commission’s review and consideration (Attachment 2). 

Alternatives to Recommendation 



Annexation of the parcel is a logical extension of the City boundary. The property owner has submitted a development plan that has been reviewed by the City and that is consistent with its policies.



  1. Factors for Consideration
  2. Draft Resolution
  3. City of Cloverdale Actions:
    a. Pre-zoning Ordinance No. 728-2019 
    b. Environmental Determination-Resolution No. 018-2019; 
    c. Plot Plan Review-Resolution No. 053-2019
  4. Preliminary Map