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Staff Report 6.2

Meeting Date:October 2, 2019
Agenda No.:Item 6.2
Agenda Item Title:

Legislative Report

Environmental Determination:

Not a project under CEQA

Staff Contacts:Carole Cooper



The 2019 session of the California State Legislature ended on September 13, 2019. This staff report provides information on the status of several bills that staff has followed throughout the session and that were approved by the Legislature.

 AB 508 (Chu): Approved by Legislature; Sent to Governor

Would further the authority of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to consolidate or extend water services to a disadvantaged community if the community, in whole or in part, is substantially reliant on domestic wells that consistently fail to provide an adequate supply of safe drinking water; the extension of service is an interim action in preparation for consolidation; sets a deadline for the SWRCB to develop a policy that provides a process for members of a disadvantaged community to petition for consolidation.

 AB 600 (Chu): Approved by Legislature; sent to Enrolling

Amends current law under which a LAFCO cannot annex territory of greater than 10 acres, or as determined by commission policy, if there exists a disadvantaged unincorporated community (DUC) located contiguous to the territory proposed to be annexed, unless an application to annex the DUC has been filed, except if a majority of voters within the DUC is opposed. This bill allows commission policy to determine a restriction for territory of fewer than 10 acres, which would apply to the annexation of two or more contiguous areas that occur within five years of each other and that are individually less than 10 acres but cumulatively more than 10 acres.

In response to a request from CALAFCO and with the concurrence of the Chair and Vice Chair, pursuant to Commission policy, staff submitted a letter to the Legislature withdrawing the Commission’s previous opposition to the bill, due to removal of contested sections, but still expressing concerns. The letter is attached.

AB 1628 (Rivas): Approved by Legislature; sent to Enrolling

Changes the definition of “environmental justice” as one factor that the Commission must consider in its review of proposals to: “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes, national origins, with respect to the location of public facilities and the provision of public services, to ensure a healthy environment for all people such that the effects of pollution are not disproportionately borne by any particular populations or communities.” (Note: the italicized language is new.)

AB 1822 (Local Government Committee): Approved by Legislature and Governor

CALAFCO Omnibus Bill which makes technical, non-controversial changes to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act. 



None. This report is for information only.



  1. AB 600: Letter of Withdrawal of Opposition; Watch with Concerns (Unsigned due to County policy on signature redaction)