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February 5, 2020 Staff Report 4.2 File No. 2019-16: Southeast Santa Rosa Reorganization No. 18-001 (A Recess Development) Involving Annexation to the City of Santa Rosa and Detachment from Sonoma County Fire District and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services).

Meeting Date:February 5, 2020
Agenda No.:Item 4.2
Agenda Item Title:

File No. 2019-16: Southeast Santa Rosa Reorganization No. 18-001 (A Recess Development) Involving Annexation to the City of Santa Rosa and Detachment from Sonoma County Fire District and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services).


Mark Calleri and Renee Amour


Request for a reorganization involving annexation of two parcels totaling approximately 2.96 acres to the City of Santa Rosa and detachment from Sonoma County Fire District and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services)


Generally located in Southeast Santa Rosa along the southern side of Highway 12, east of Calloway Drive, west of Mission Blvd and north of Santa Rosa Creek

General Plan:

County – RR 20
City – Retail and Business Service General Commercial (CG)

Environmental Determination:

Mitigated Negative Declaration, prepared by City of Santa Rosa

Staff Contacts:Carole Cooper and Cynthia Olson



The applicants, Mark Calleri and Renee Amore, have requested a reorganization involving the annexation of two parcels to the City of Santa Rosa. The territory, totaling approximately 2.96 acres, is located in Southeast Santa Rosa along the southern side of Highway 12, east of Calloway Drive, west of Mission Blvd and north of Santa Rosa Creek.  

The territory is located within the City’s Sphere of Influence, Urban Growth Boundary and Urban Service Area Boundary as designated in the Sonoma County 2020 General Plan. It is an unincorporated island completely surrounded territory within the City.  Upon annexation, the territory would be detached from the Sonoma County Fire District and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services).

The territory is comprised of two parcels, 4224 Highway 12 (APN 032-010-005) and 4200 Highway 12 (APN 032-010-023).

4200 contains a vacant commercial building and covered storage area. The 0.28 acre parcel is developed to its maximum density and no new development is proposed at this time.

4224 contains a single family dwelling with a detached garage and storage building. These buildings are proposed for demolition, and the entire 2.68 acre site will be developed with a 124,000 square foot multi story self-storage facility, 14 single-family attached residential units, onsite parking, driveways, and landscaping and the site for a future City emergency well.

The territory is generally flat with a 10 percent slope change at the eastern portion. The vegetation consists of a mix of native, non-native and ornamental trees and shrubs. Although the development plan calls for clearing the existing vegetation, it specifies that two heritage oak trees will be retained and 59 new trees will be planted to meet the City’s Tree Ordinance replacement requirements. The parcels are not zoned or designated for agricultural use and are not under a Williamson Act contract.

The territory is surrounded by existing residential development on the north and south, commercial development to the south, north and west and the Santa Rosa Creek multiuse trail and Santa Rosa Creek to the east. There are four bus stops within a quarter mile of the site and the development plan will retain 8 foot shoulders for bicycle traffic as well as the existing easement for the multiuse trail along Santa Rosa Creek. 

The City’s General Plan identifies this portion of Highway 12 as a scenic road and requires that new development maintain the visual character of the scenic roadway. The State does not identify this portion of Highway 12 as a designated state scenic highway.


Reason for Proposal

The applicant states that the reason for the application is to obtain municipal services provided by the City for development purposes. Additionally, the development dedicates two easements, one for a City well site that provides an emergency water source and the other for the construction of a new Los Alamos sewer trunk line.

City Action: Pre-Zoning and Environmental Review

At its meeting of August 8, 2019, the Santa Rosa City Planning Commission considered and approved the project applications for the tentative map, hillside development permit, pre-zoning and conditional use permit.

At its meeting of September 24, 2019, the City Council pre-zoned the parcel to the CG (General Commercial) zoning, consistent with the Retail and Business Services land-use designation in its General Plan. The land-use designation and zoning are intended to allow for both commercial and multi-family residential uses. The Council determined that the project was consistent with the goals and policies of all elements of the City’s General Plan. The City further determined that the site is physically suitable for the requested zoning designation and anticipated land uses and developments.

The City, acting as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), prepared an Initial Study to assess the impacts of the project. The Initial Study found that the project would have the following potentially significant environmental impacts unless a mitigation plan was developed and implemented: aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, tribal cultural resource and geology/soils.

The Initial Study concluded that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was the appropriate level of environmental impact for the project. In August 2019, the City Planning Commission considered the Initial Study and its conclusions and adopted, by resolution, the MND and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to reduce the environmental effects to less-than-significant.

The Commission is a responsible agency for the proposal pursuant to CEQA. Of the areas that the Initial Study called out as having a potential significant effect on the environment unless mitigated, none would significantly or negatively affect the Commission’s determination whether or not to approve annexation

Copies of the City’s actions can be found as Attachment 3.  

Consent of Owners and Waiver of Protest Proceedings

As the owners of both the subject parcels have consented to the application for reorganization, the Commission, pursuant to state law, may waive the protest proceeding.

Individual Factors for Consideration

California Government Code section 56668 describes 17 factors to be considered in the Commission’s review of a proposal. The review must include, but is not limited to, consideration of these factors that are outlined and addressed in Attachment 1.



  1. Approve the reorganization, pursuant to the following findings and determinations:

a.    The affected territory is within the sphere of influence of the City of Santa Rosa, within the City’s voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary, and within the “urban service area” boundary for the City in the Sonoma County General Plan. 


b.    The reason for the reorganization is to obtain municipal services provided by the City for development purposes.


c.    The City has indicated that it can provide services to the subject territory upon annexation.


d.    The proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Sonoma County General Plan.


2.    Regarding the Commission’s responsibilities pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act,

a.    Certify review and consideration of information contained in the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the City of Santa Rosa.


b.    Make findings required of a responsible agency in accordance with the provisions of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.


c.    Direct staff to file a notice of determination in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.


  1. Waive protest proceedings pursuant to section 56662 of the California Government Code, in that the affected territory is uninhabited, pursuant to Section 56079.5 of the California Government Code. No affected local agency has submitted a written demand for notice and hearing; and the owners of land have consented to the proposal.

Staff has prepared a draft resolution for the Commission’s review and consideration (Attachment 2). 


Alternatives to Recommendation



 Annexation of the territory is a logical extension of the City boundary and will eliminate an unincorporated county island. The property owner has submitted a development plan that has been reviewed by the City and that is consistent with its general plan and policies.



  1. Factors for Consideration
  2. Draft Resolution.
  3. City of Santa Rosa Actions
  4. Preliminary Map