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Notice of Public Hearing

Published: April 05, 2019

Hearing Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Time: at or after 2:00 p.m.
Location: Sonoma County Administration Building, 575 Administration Drive, Room 102A, Santa Rosa, California

Notice is hereby given that the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will conduct a public hearing at which time all interested persons may be heard on the following item:

File 2019-01:  Palm Drive Health Care District Detachment No 19-01 (Bodega Bay)

The proposal was initiated by petition from registered voters residing within the affected territory. The territory proposed for detachment is the territory located within the boundary of the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District. The Fire District boundary was chosen to facilitate the mapping of the proposed detachment area for reporting to the State should the proposal be approved. The Fire District is not a party to this action. 

The reasons given for the detachment include the closure of the hospital's emergency room, concerns of continued mismanagement of the District and the potential for the accumulation of additional debt.. 

The proposal has been determined to be exempt from the State of California Environmental Quality Act  pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3).

At the hearings, the the Commission will hear and receive any relevant oral and written testimony and evidence presented or filed concerning the item, will consider the report of the Executive Officer, and may act on the item.

If you cannot attend the public hearing described in this notice, you may submit written comments to the Commission prior to the hearing. Please direct comments, questions, and requests to review documents to the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission, 111 Santa Rosa Ave Suite 240, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.

 A map of the proposed detachment boundary and Information on the proposal process is available on the Commission's website.. 

If you challenge the actions of the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission at, or prior to, the hearing.

All interested persons are hereby invited to be present and heard on the matters described in this notice.

By: Mark Bramfitt, Executive Officer

Date: April 5, 2019