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Election of Special District Representative Class I Extension

Published: May 17, 2021

We are writing to urge your agency to cast a vote for the selection of an Independent Special District representative for the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission.

Election materials were provided to the almost forty special districts in Sonoma County in March, after an unsuccessful election process at the beginning of the year. (The first election failed due to a lack of sufficient returned ballots to constitute a quorum of the special districts.) Only twelve of the special districts have returned ballots in the current election.

The Commission is now extending the deadline for ballot submissions to July 16, 2021, which is the longest period that can be proscribed according to code. We are including a copy of the original election materials for your consideration and use.  Please note that while a formal decision from your board is preferred, the only requirement for the ballot is an authorization by your chief executive.

This matter has become more acute as the current special district member has formally vacated his role. The alternate special district member is not seeking reelection and will vacate his seat shortly. The result is that the Commission will rely on only one special district representative until elections are appropriately consummated.

Please consult with your board chair and cast a ballot as soon as possible – it is crucial to the Commission that independent special districts are duly represented.