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3.4 Staff Report

Meeting Date:July 3, 2019
Agenda No.:Item 3.4
Agenda Item Title:

Request for Approval of Technical, Non-Substantive Corrections to 2019-20 Fee Schedule


Staff requests that the Commission adopt technical, non-substantive corrections to the 2019-20 Fee Schedule adopted at the June 5, 2019, meeting, due to clerical errors.

Environmental Determination:Not a project under CEQA
Staff Contacts: Carole Cooper


Background and Analysis

At its June 5, 2019, meeting, the Commission adopted the 2019-20 Final Budget and Fee Schedule after conducting a noticed public hearing.


Subsequent to the meeting, in preparation for publication of the 2019-20 Fee Schedule on the Commission’s website, staff noticed some clerical errors. Specifically, the category of fees associated with spheres of influence was included within the category of applications for annexations/detachments. Further, although the narrative on the first page of the Fee Schedule noted that fees would be charged for pre-application review, the actual Schedule section on Pre-Application Review fees did not reflect the charges.

To align the narrative in the Fee Schedule with the stated fees, and upon the advice of counsel, staff is requesting that the Commission approve a resolution which identifies the errors and adopts the corrections to the 2019-20 Fee Schedule. The corrections, as requested, will have no effect on the 2019-20 Final Budget, as adopted by the Commission on June 5, 2019.


Staff has drafted the attached resolution for the Commission’s consideration. It states that the corrections are retroactive to July 1, 2019.


California Environmental Quality Act Compliance


The correction to the 2019-20 Fee Schedule is not a project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with Section 15378(b)(5) of the State CEQA Guidelines, this action is included within the category of “organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.”



Staff recommends that the Commission approve a resolution correcting the 2019-20 Fee Schedule, which the Commission adopted in Resolution No. 2709 on June 5, 2019, and further stating that the corrections will have no effect on the adopted 2019-20 Final Budget.


Alternatives to Recommendation 




  1. Draft Resolution
  2. Adopted 2019-20 Fee Schedule, with Proposed Corrections