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Draft Minutes Commission Strategy Workshop Feb 27 2020



Commissioners in Attendance: Ernie Loveless, Chair; Teresa Barrett, Susan Gorin, Rich Holmer, Lynda Hopkins, Jean Kapolchok, Pam Stafford; Alternate Commissioners in Attendance: Steve Herzberg, Rodney Moore; Staff in Attendance: Mark Bramfitt, Executive Officer; Carole Cooper, Assistant Executive Officer; Cynthia Olson, Analyst; Diana Wilson, Clerk; Verne Ball, Counsel; Facilitator: Bill Chiat

9:00 Call to Order by Chair 9:08 a. m.
Public Comment - None
Introduction to workshop by Chair and Executive Officer
Times are approximate
9:15 Commission building: Quotable Quotes
Exercise to enhance relationships among Commissioners and introduce workshop

Assessment: Progress and Accomplishments of Sonoma LAFCO
Setting context by reflecting on successes, changes and accomplishments over last year

Palm Drive Health Care District
Roseland Annexation
Consolidation of Fire Districts
Development of process – “Up the game”
Built staff/Commission expertise
More community engagement in boardroom and community
Hired effective Executive Officer – Experience he brought
Weathered some storms – stayed above frays
Consciousness in staff reports and presentations
Education of other agencies
Commissioner engagement
Commissioners taking more responsibility for implications of decisions
Looking more at equity of service levels
Move LAFCO legislation at state level
At CALAFCO - realize Sonoma’s influence

9:45 Discussion: How Does Sonoma LAFCO Want to be Known – Its Public Value?
Examine LAFCO’s purpose for the people of Sonoma County; its contributions to the community 

Independent assessor of service needs
Legitimacy in decision making; make decisions on merit/facts
Provides guardrails on haphazard land use
Prevent chaos among public agencies
Sustainability: services; agencies
A driver: proactive annexations
Unbiased source of information
Public info/education of way forward
Agencies look to us first
Fairness – Fairness of process
LAFCO has to be unimpeachable in its work

10:30 Break
10:45 Future Focus: Challenges and Opportunities for Sonoma LAFCO
Staff perspective on the work of the Commission followed by discussion on a shared purpose and desired outcomes – looking towards 2024; comments from staff

Raise profile of what LAFCO is and is not with agencies/public
Consolidation of water agencies
Russian River sanitation
Affordable housing siting and services
Maintain Ag & Open Spaces with pressure for growth
Extend services where we don’t incentivize growth – Monte Rio
Accommodate growth and provide services
RHNA presentation
Santa Rosa Islands
Community outreach
Private/Mutual water systems
Fire, Water, Islands
Failing septic systems – Consolidation of wastewater systems
Updating policies
Spheres of cities
Potential consolidations
Consolidation of Fire Districts
Policies Outside Service Area Authorizations – Agriculture
Application form

Moving Forward: Commission Strategies
Identify vital strategies for LAFCO focus in next 3-4 years –the public value of Sonoma LAFCo 
Noon Lunch
12:30 Short-Term: LAFCO 18 Month Priorities
Consider key priorities and desired outcomes for next 18 months

Dissolution of Health Care District
Fire reorganizations

Sanitation agencies
Russian River Drainage
State/Regional Water Quality Control boards actions
Water Systems study public/private/mutual

Santa Rosa Island Annexation study

Policy update: MSRs
Policies Review and identify those to be updated
Mission Statement 

Legislative engagement – CALAFCO – Local representatives 
Maintain our profile

Reflections on the Workshop

2:00 Adjourn – Adjournment at 1:50 p.m.

Mission Statement: to Be Developed [Tentative Qualities below]

Independent assessor of service needs
Legitimacy in decision making; make decisions on merit/facts
Provides guardrails on haphazard land use
Prevent chaos among public agencies
Sustainability: services; agencies
A driver: proactive annexations
Unbiased source of information
Public info/education of way forward
Agencies look to us first
Fairness – Fairness of process
LAFCO has to be unimpeachable in its work