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Draft Minutes Regular Commission Meeting June 26, 2020


Commissioners Present 

Ernie Loveless, Chair 
Teresa Barrett 
Susan Gorin 
Rich Holmer 
Lynda Hopkins 
Jean Kapolchok 
Pam Stafford

 Alternate Commissioners Present
Steve Herzberg 
Mark Landman 
Rodney Moore

Staff Present

Mark Bramfitt, Executive Officer 
Carole Cooper, Assistant Executive Officer 
Verne Ball, Legal Counsel 
Cynthia Olson, Administrative Analyst 
Diana R. Wilson, Clerk

1. Call to Order by the Chair - Action

Due to technical issues with Chair Loveless, the meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Stafford at 2:03 p.m. After roll call, the following voting members were accounted for: Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Vice Chair Stafford waived the Pledge of Allegiance for the Zoom Meeting.

3. Public Comment:

The public is invited to address the Commission regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this Agenda. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.

Joan Marler, resident of the Palm Drive Healthcare District, spoke regarding concerns over the Urgent Care being closed due to the dissolution of the Palm Drive Health Care District.
Pamela Miller, Executive Director of CALAFCO, spoke in honor of Assistant Executive Officer, Carole Cooper at her last meeting.
Lou Ann Texeira, Contra Costa LAFCO Executive Officer, spoke in honor of Assistant Executive Officer, Carole Cooper at her last meeting.
Dawn Mittleman Longoria, Napa LAFCO Analyst, spoke in honor of Assistant Executive Officer, Carole Cooper at her last meeting.

4. Consent Calendar- Action

Items on the Consent Calendar will be taken in one motion without discussion.

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2020
  2. Report of Fiscal Year 2019-20 Expenditures and Revenues Through Quarter 3

  3. Upon motion and second, approved item as recommended by staff.

    Roll call Vote.
    Ayes: 7 Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

5. Public Hearings - Action

  1. File No. 2019-08: Amendment of the Sphere of Influence of the Windsor Water District To Include Assessor’s Parcel No. 059-310-051 and Annexation of the Same Parcel to the District and Windsor Reorganization No. 19-3 (South Shiloh Area) Involving Annexation of Two Parcels, APN 059-310-051 and APN 059-310-052 Totaling +/- Five Acres to the Town of Windsor

  2. Environmental Determination: Town of Windsor 2040 General Plan Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Checklist Pursuant to Section 15168(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines

    The Assistant Executive Officer described the Amendment of the sphere of influence and annexation item and the Commissioners engaged in discussion.

    The Vice Chair opened to Commissioners for comment, seeing none opened public comment period.
    Dominic Foppoli, Mayor of Windsor, thanked the Commission and spoke in support of the item.

    Steve Sharpe, planning consultant representing Trini and Lisa Amador, spoke in support of the item.

    Trini and Lisa Amador, spoke in support of the item.

    The Vice Chair closed the public hearing and brought the discussion back to the dais.

    Commissioner Holmer spoke in disagreement to the item in regards to this item being beyond the urban grown boundary.

    Upon motion and second, approved item as recommended by staff.
    Roll call Vote.
    Ayes: 6 Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford
    Noes: 1 Holmer
    Abstain: 0

  3. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Final Budget and Fee Schedule

    The Assistant Executive Officer provided details regarding the item and offered additional descriptions of the increases noted in the final budget.

    The Vice Chair opened the public hearing and public comment period, and hearing no comment closed the public hearing and comment period.

    Commissioner Gorin thanked staff for the detailed report on the final budget.

    Upon motion and second, approved item as recommended by staff.

    Roll call Vote.
    Ayes: 7 Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

6. Regular Calendar - Action

  1. File No. 2020-01: Northwest Santa Rosa Reorganization No. 18-01 (Levy) Involving Annexation of Five Parcels Totaling +/- 2.66 Acres to the City of Santa Rosa and Detachment from County Service Area No. 40 (Fire Services) and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services)Environmental Determination:

    Environmental Impact Report for the North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan and Mitigated Negative Declaration, both prepared by the City of Santa Rosa

    The Assistant Executive Officer described the item annexing of five parcels in Northwest Santa Rosa and the Commissioners engaged in discussion. Staff answered questions from the Commission.
    The Vice Chair opened the public hearing and public comment period, and hearing no comment closed the public hearing and comment period.

    Upon motion and second, approved item as recommended by staff.

    Roll call Vote.
    Ayes: 7 Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

  2. Consideration of Determinations Supporting Dissolution of the Palm Drive Health Care District in Anticipation of a Proposal for Dissolution by the District
  3. The Executive Officer described the item concerning the determinations supporting dissolution of the Palm Drive Health Care District and the Commissioners engaged in discussion. Staff answered questions from the Commission.

    Commissioner Hopkins inquired about the law in regards to LAFCO impose restrictions on the district spending funds prior to dissolutions. She requested information about the timeline to implement any regulations if possible. Staff answered that due to the district being current viable, there are no restrictions that LAFCO can put on the Palm Drive Health Care District. However at the August 8 meeting the Commission may implement conditions of approval. Staff will bring more details regarding timeline and particular conditions at that meeting.

    The Vice Chair opened the public comment period

    Bill Adams, general counsel for the Palm Drive Health Care District, spoke in regards to the Urgent Care closure concern mentioned in the public comment. He stated that the district has been in communication with the County.

    Jim Horn, former board member of the Palm Drive Health Care District, thanked staff and the Commission and voiced concerns over the District spending or transferring funds.

    The Vice Chair closed the public comment period and brought the discussion back to the dais.

    Alternate Commissioner Hertzberg asked if the item could come before the Commission at the July 1 meeting. Staff answered that the earliest the item can come before the Commission is August 8.

    Commissioners Barrett and Holmer asked if there were any way to limit Palm Drive Health Care District from spending and staff answered there was not.

    Upon motion and second, the Commission approved the item, as recommended by staff.

    Roll call Vote.
    Ayes: 7 Loveless, Barrett, Gorin, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

7. Information/Report Items - Informational and/or Direction

  1. Legislative Report (Verbal)
  2. Staff explained that due to the COVID-19, legislative items were on hold.

    Assembly and senate are off for two weeks to a month.

  3. Executive Officer’s Report (Verbal)

  4. The Executive Office mentioned that projects noted in prior meetings were continuing but had nothing new to share. He went on to thank the Assistant Executive Officer, Carole Cooper, for her time at LAFCO and called attendees and Commissioners to say a few words.

    Commissioners and members of the public expressed their appreciation of Assistant Executive Officer, Carole Cooper’s many years of public service with LAFCO.

8. General Announcements - Informational


9. Confirm Meetings - Action

    Commission Meeting:           July 1, 2020, at 2:00 p.m.

10. Adjournment - Action

Adjourned @ 3:34pm