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Draft Meeting Minutes November 4, 2020


Commissioners Present 

Ernie Loveless, Chair 
Teresa Barrett 
Rich Holmer 
Lynda Hopkins 
Jean Kapolchok 
Pam Stafford

Alternate Commissioners Present
Steve Herzberg 

Staff Present
Mark Bramfitt, Executive Officer 
Carole Cooper, Assistant Executive Officer 
Verne Ball, Legal Counsel 
Cynthia Olson, Administrative Analyst 
Diana R. Wilson, Clerk

1. Call to Order by the Chair 

The meeting was called to order by Chair Loveless at 2:00 p.m. After roll call, the following voting members were in attendance: Loveless, Barret, Holmer, Hopkins, Kapolchok, and Stafford.

2. Public Comment: 


3. Consent Calendar:

3.1 Meeting Minutes October 6, 2020
Upon motion and second, approved item as recommended by staff. 
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 6 Barrett, Stafford, Kapolchok, Hopkins, Loveless, and Holmer.
Noes: 0 
Abstain: 0 

4 Public Hearings:


5. Regular Calendar 

5.1 Adoption of Charter for Fire and EMS Agency Ad Hoc Committee and Provision of Staff Direction for Further Municipal Service Review and Sphere Amendment Proposal Work

Staff described the charter for Fire and EMS Agency Ad Hoc Committee. In addition, Staff requested guidance for Municipal Service Review and Sphere Amendment Proposal Work. Staff plans to design a policy to bring before the Policy Committee.

The Commission discussed the length of the Ad Hoc Committee, members to compose the Committee, and edits regarding sections titled: Purpose of Committee, and Procedures, Records and Minutes.

The Chair opened the public comment period.
Pat Abercrombie, President of Fitch Mountain Association, requested the Northern Sonoma County Fire District SOI/MSR request to move forward outside the creation and completion of the work done by the Ad Hoc Committee.
The Chair closed the public comment period and brought the item back to the dais. 
Commission direct staff to complete the SOI for Region 6, and MSRs for the remaining VFCs, Rancho Adobe, and Northern Sonoma County Fire District
Additionally, the Commission agreed with the following edits and recommendations for the Fire and EMS Agency Ad Hoc Committee:

1 Set the time limit to June 30, 2021

2 Strike the following dialog from section Procedures, Records and Minutes:

The ad hoc advisory committee shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order (or Rosenberg’s) as the same may be updated or amended. The committee may adopt supplementary rules of procedure. 

The committee shall provide for the taking of minutes and maintaining records of all meetings. Ad hoc advisory committee members will record and document all ex parte discussions with stakeholders related to the subject matter of the committee.

All records and minutes will be regularly provided to LAFCO Staff for records retention. 

3 Include the following edit as Point B under Purpose of Committee:

To assess said recommendations in accordance with LAFCO’s adopted criteria. 

4 Include the following members: 

Commissioner Kapolchok, Hopkins, and Loveless

Upon motion and second, approved as recommended with the above edits/changes.
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 6 Barrett, Stafford, Kapolchok, Hopkins, Loveless, and Holmer.
Noes: 0 
Abstain: 0

6. Information/Report Items 

Executive Officer’s Report and Legislative Report (Verbal)

Executive Officer reported that the CALAFCO meeting was canceled due to COVID-19 and would be a virtual meeting. He requested Commissioners let him know if they were interested in attending.
Water District annexation issue with the State Water Control Resource Control and Mutual Water Company. Staff answered questions from the Commission regarding the Mutual Water company issues.
Executive Officer reminded the Commissioners about the deadlines to complete Harassment Prevention Training through the county. 

7. General Announcements


8. Confirm Meetings

Commission Meeting: December 9, 2020, at 2:00 p.m.

9. Adjournment @ 2:59 p.m.