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4.1 Staff Report


 Meeting Date:February 6, 2019
 Agenda No.:Item 4.1
 Agenda Item Title:Rincon Valley Fire Protection District Sphere of Influence Amendment No. 1
 Environmental Determination:Not a project under CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines
 Staff Contacts:Mark Bramfitt and Carole Cooper



In 2017, the Commission approved a reorganization involving annexation to the City of Santa Rosa (City) of five unincorporated islands in southwest Santa Rosa, generally referred to as the Roseland Area Annexation.

Is part of that action, the Commission left intact two agencies that provide services in the area: the South Park County Sanitation District and the Roseland Fire Protection District (Roseland FPD). At that time it was anticipated that the Roseland FPD would seek reorganization and be established as a subsidiary district of the City.

For several reasons, Roseland FPD cannot be transitioned to being a subsidiary district of the City. The District has submitted an application, by resolution of its board of directors, seeking reorganization involving dissolution, transfer of its assets to the City of Santa Rosa, and annexation to another agency of two remaining “island” territories outside of the City (Remainder Areas). Roseland FPD retains the responsibility for providing fire and emergency services to the Remainder Areas pending further reorganization.

In its resolution of application, Roseland FPD requested that the Remainder Areas be annexed to Rincon Valley Fire Protection District (Rincon Valley FPD), which substantially surrounds them. Pursuant to state law, territory must be within the sphere of influence (SOI) of an agency to be eligible for annexation; therefore the Rincon Valley FPD SOI must also be amended.


The Commission considered, in September 2018, a Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Study for four fire and emergency service agencies with territory in the central region of the County, generally surrounding the City; this study included Rincon Valley FPD.

In accepting the recommendations of the study, the Commission amended the sphere of influence of the Windsor Fire Protection District (Windsor FPD) to include the territories of the other three agencies and adopted, among other actions, a “zero” sphere for Rincon Valley FPD. These actions were in anticipation that those agencies would be annexed into Windsor FPD as part of a future reorganization proposal.

Staff believes that the determinations of the 2018 study are sufficient to support the proposed sphere amendment. Further justifications for this approach are described in the staff report for a subsequent agenda item involving the reorganization of Roseland FPD and annexation of the Remainder Areas to Rincon Valley FPD.

It should be noted that two subsequent proposals will be presented to the Commission at this meeting (February 6, 2019): the first is an amendment to the sphere of influence of the Windsor Fire Protection District, in part to include the Remainder Areas proposed under this item; the second is consideration of a reorganization that would include annexation of the entirety of Rincon Valley FPD, among other areas, to the Windsor FPD.

Staff has provided public notice of this matter, as required by state law.

Environmental Analysis

An amendment to the sphere of influence of the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); more specifically, staff has determined that State CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) applies. This section states:

…CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. When it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA.

The proposed amendment to the Rincon Valley FPD sphere of influence will place the Remainder Areas from the Roseland FPD into the Rincon Valley FPD sphere of influence and enable eligibility for annexation of those areas to Rincon Valley FPD. The Rincon Valley FPD boundary/sphere surrounds the Remainder Areas, and the Rincon Valley FPD is the best choice for placement. This action is proposed as an interim, procedural step, with the ultimate recommendation being the dissolution of the Rincon Valley FPD and annexation of its territory to the Windsor FPD.

No impact on the environment is anticipated as a result of the subject sphere amendment, thus no potential for adverse impacts.


Staff recommends that the Commission conduct a public hearing, as required by state law, and act to approve amendment of the sphere of influence of the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District to include two unincorporated Remainder Areas of the Roseland Fire Protection District. A draft resolution is attached for Commissioners’ consideration.

Alternate Recommendation


Although temporary from a procedural perspective, the best initial placement for the two Remainder Areas, should the Roseland Fire Protection District be dissolved, is with the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District

In subsequent proceedings, the Commission will consider whether to reorganize the Rincon Valley FPD, annexing its territory to the Windsor Fire Protection District.