Meeting Information
Commission meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings begin at 2:00 PM. in the Board of Supervisors’ Chambers located in Room 102A at 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, California.
Sonoma LAFCO has two standing committees, the Policy Committee and the Fiscal Committee. Committee meetings are normally held immediately after Commission meetings in the County Administrator’s Conference Room located at 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, California.
- Public Transit:
For transit information call <a>(707) 576-RIDE or 1 <a>(800) 345-RIDE - Driving Directions
Please refer to the Meeting Calendar for specific dates and times. All meetings are subject to cancellation or change.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a LAFCO meeting, please contact the LAFCO Clerk at (707) 565-2577. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist LAFCO staff in assuring that reasonable accommodations are made to provide accessibility to the meeting.
Pursuant to SB 343, any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members of the Commission regarding any item on an agenda after the posting of the agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure will be made available for public review at:
111 Santa Rosa Avenue
Suite 240
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
during normal business hours. If the supplemental materials are made available to the members of the Commission at the meeting, a copy will be available for public review at the same address and at the Commission meeting itself.