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Item 3.1 Draft Minutes 04-06-2022 Commission Meeting

1.  Call to Order by the Chair – The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. The following voting Commissioners were present via teleconference: Kapolchok, Landman, Hemmendinger and Stafford. Alternate Commissioners Herzberg and Slayter were also present.

2.  Continuation of Teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Upon motion and second, approved as recommended
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 4 Kapolchok, Hemmendinger, Landman, and Stafford
Noes: 0

Commissioner Gorin joined the meeting

3.  Public Comment: None

4.  Consent Calendar:

4.1  Meeting Minutes March 3, 2022

Upon motion and second, approved as recommended
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 5 Kapolchok, Hemmendinger, Gorin, Landman, and Stafford
Noes: 0
Abstain: 0

5.  Public Hearings:

5.1  Sonoma LAFCO Proposed FY 2022-23 Preliminary Budget – Staff summarized the proposed expenditures and revenues.

The Chair opened the Public Hearing and seeing no one wishing to comment, closed the hearing and returned the item to the Commission for discussion.

Commissioner Gorin stated that the County was in negotiations with the various labor unions but that the results of the negotiations will not impact FY 2022-23 salaries and benefits.

Commissioner Holmer joined the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

There was a brief discussion about the fund balance. Commissioner Holmer stated that the Commission should develop policy on the item this year and Commissioner Hemmendinger concurred with him.

Upon motion and second, approved as recommended
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 6 Kapolchok, Hemmendinger, Gorin, Holmer, Landman, and Stafford
Noes: 0
Abstain: 0

 Alternate Commissioner Herzberg left the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

5.2  File 2022-1: Sonoma County Fire District Reorganization No. 2022-01 (Bodega Bay Fire Protection District) Involving Dissolution of the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District and Annexation of the Territory to the Sonoma County Fire Protection District – Public Protest Hearing

Staff summarized the staff report and gave the Commission the total protest count.
The Chair opened the Public Hearing.

Chief Heine, Sonoma County Fire District, expressed his appreciation of the leadership of the Commission, its staff and the Board of Supervisors in reaching this goal.

Mark Stornetta, representing the local Profession Firefighters union for Sonoma County Fire District and Bodega Bay Fire Protection District, stated he was extremely thankful for the Commission bringing the consolidation to completion. He requested the Commission remain openminded as the remaining consolidations come forward.

Seeing no one else wanting to address the Commission, the Chair closed the Public Hearing.

Commissioner Landman stated his appreciation of Chief Heine’s substantive and productive work in the consolidation efforts and thanked Executive Officer Bramfitt for his clarity of vision and hard work to move the Commission to a better place in fire services.

Upon motion and second, approved as recommended
Roll call Vote.
Ayes: 6 Kapolchok, Hemmendinger, Gorin, Holmer, Landman, and Stafford
Noes: 0
Abstain: 0

Alternate Commission Herzberg joined the meeting at 2:24 p.m.

6.  Regular Calendar - None

7.  Information/Report Items

7.1  Executive Officer’s Report – The EO gave the status of the following proposals and projects

Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District reorganization proposal.
Gold Ridge Fire Protection District reorganization proposal.
Lower River/North Coast Fire Service review project.
City of Sonoma Municipal Service Review.

Legislative Affairs – the EO stated that the CALAFCO Legislative Committee was meeting next week. He stated that a legislator has expressed interest in moving forward legislation granting financial support to cities using the Island Provision to annex unincorporated islands and CALAFCO has asked him to meet with the legislator’s staff to discuss the matter. He stated that the attached letters of support for SB 938 and AB 2957 were sent out.

Alternate Commissioner Herzberg stated his belief that the Commission has developed expertise on the issues of fire services and expressed his confidence in the EO’s ability to continue the work. He offered his assistance in meeting with other agencies to answer questions and explain the process as they move forward with consolidation.

Commissioner Kapolchok stated that the business of consolidation belongs with LAFCO. Commissioner Landman concurred with her.

Commissioner Gorin stated the process has been difficult with many moving pieces including relationship building, labor unions and the need for funding.

8.  General Announcements – Commissioner Gorin updated the Commission on a potential annexation of Boyes Hot Springs to the City of Sonoma. She stated the County is beginning a study on the project and that LAFCO staff has been involved in the initial discussions.

9.  Confirm Meetings – The May 4, 2022 meeting was tentatively confirmed.

10.  Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.