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Regular Meeting Minutes for December 5, 2018


Commissioners Present
Teresa Barrett, Chair
Ernie Loveless
Susan Gorin
Jean Kapolchok
Pam Stafford
Rich Holmer

Alternate Commissioners Present
Steve Herzberg
Mark Landman
Rodney Moore

Staff Present
Mark Bramfitt Executive Officer
Carole Cooper, Assistant Executive Officer
Verne Ball, Legal Counsel
Cynthia Olson Clerk

1. Call to Order by the Chair

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. The following voting members were seated at the dais: Commissioners Loveless, Kapolchok (2:03), Stafford, Holmer, Gorin and Barrett

2. Public Comment

Susan Moulton provided information on the Palm Drive Health District/Sonoma Specialty Hospital. She advocated support of hospital and summarized various programs.

Carolyn Harris, a resident of West County, summarized the debts and issues of the Palm Drive Health District and its various lawsuit cases and bankruptcies.

Arnold Garza provided an account of the Palm Drive board meeting in Bodega Bay.

Kathy Beck, a resident of Bodega Bay and previous director of Bodega Bay Fire Protection District, provided an account of the Palm Drive informational meeting.None

3. Consent Calendar

  1. Approval of Minutes: October 10, 2018

    Upon motion and second as recommended by staff
    Ayes: 5 Stafford, Loveless, Kapolchok, Holmer and Barrett.
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 1 Gorin

  2. Conflict of Interest Code

    Upon motion and second as recommended by staff
    Ayes: 6 Stafford, Loveless, Kapolchok, Holmer, Gorin and Barrett.
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: None

  3. Report of 2018-19 First Quarter Actual Expenditures and Revenues

    Upon motion and second, approved as recommended by staff
    Ayes: 6 Stafford, Loveless, Kapolchok, Holmer, Gorin and Barrett.
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

4. Public Hearings

  1. File No. 2018-13: Northeast Santa Rosa Reorganization No. 17-003 (7 Eleven Inc.) Involving Annexation to the City of Santa Rosa and Detachment from Rincon Valley Fire Protection District and County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services)

    Environmental Determination: Environmental Impact Report prepared by the City of Santa Rosa for the Santa Rosa General Plan 2035

    Staff summarized the staff report and recommended that the Commission approve the reorganization; find that further review is not required, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15183; approve the request of the Kenwood Fire Protection District to increase the number of members of the District board of directors from three to five; and waive protest proceedings pursuant to section 56663(c) of the California Government Code.

    Commissioner Gorin thanked staff for the report and stated that she supports action moving forward and looks forward to economic development and additional housing units in the area.

    Commissioner Stafford supported elimination of the unincorporated island. In response to her question regarding Rincon Valley Fire District’s plans, staff verified that RVFD supports annexation.

    Commissioner Kapolchok stated that she found it appropriate to use a CEQA exemption in this case.

    A resident of Vale Street stated that the intersection between Middle Rincon Road and Highway 12 is problematic and requested that measures be taken to fix traffic issues. Chair Barrett recommended that the person reach out to the City to resolve.

    Upon motion and second, approved as recommended by staff
    Ayes: 6 Stafford, Loveless, Kapolchok, Gorin, Holmer and Barrett.
    Noes: 0
    Abstain: 0

5. Regular Calendar


6. Information/Report Items

  1. Legislative Report (Verbal)
    The staff updated the Commission on current and pending legislation.
  2. Executive Officer’s Report (Verbal)
    The Executive Officer updated the Commission on the current status of the West County Fire Agencies and Palm Drive Health Care District.

    In response to a request from Chair Barrett for clarification on the fee charged for the Russian River Area detachment from the Palm Drive Health Care District, staff stated that the total fee deposit was reduced from $5,000 to $2,500. At end of the process, applicants were charged for only external costs ($5,000). LAFCO total fees approximated $12,500.

    In response to staff’s projection of the March meeting for consideration of a municipal service review on West County fire agencies, Commissioner Gorin noted that she and Commissioner Hopkins would be attending a National Association of Counties meeting at that time. Staff will consider moving the date of the meeting or provide public draft for communications for West County.

    Commissioner Loveless asked for and received clarification regarding the Form 700.

7. General Announcements

8. Confirm Meetings

  • Commission Meeting: February 6, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Policy Committee Meeting: None.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.