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Budget Fiscal Year Final Budget 2019 - 2020


Budget Adopted June 6, 2019

The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 requires all LAFCOs to adopt a final budget by June 15 of each year. The Sonoma LAFCO budget is funded by the County, the cities and the independent special districts.

Previous Years


Salaries & Benefits

Regular Wages$ 350,660  $ 354,315
Cash Allowance$ 22,960  $ 23,140
Bds & Commissions$ 9,600  $ 9,600
County Retirement$ 132,535  $ 141,840
FICA/Medicare$ 26,280  $ 27,000
Health Insurance$ 21,830  $ 29,680
Deferred Comp (401)$ 12,500  $ 13,300
HRA$ 2,895  $ 1,825
Disability$ 2,095  $ 2,190
Dental Insurance$ 4,435  $ 4,975
Life Insurance$ 585  $ 530
Vision Insurance$ 700  $ 660
Unemploy. Insurance$ 85  $ 90
Workers Compensation$ 3,585  $ 3,385
Other Expenses$ 90  $ 100
Total Salaries and Benefits$ 590,835 $ 575,000 $ 612,630

Services & Supplies

Auditing Services$ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ -  
Auditor Accounting Services$ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Legal Services$ 15,000 $ 28,000 $ 20,000
Professional Services$ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000
Legal Notices$ 3,000 $ 7,500 $ 5,000
Rents & Leases$ 40,150 $ 44,200 $ 42,000
Travel Expense$ 10,000 $ 9,505 $ 10,000
Private Car Expense$ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,000
Other Services (Relocation)$ 20,000 $ 3,956 $ -  
Communications$ 2,600 $ 2,600 $ 2,600
ISD-Data Processing$ 22,000 $ 22,000 $ 22,100
Info Systems - Development$ 10,000 $ 9,500 $ 3,000
ISD-Supplemental Website$ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 2,000
Computer Replacement$ 2,000 $ -   $ -  
Postage$ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,500
Printing$ 1,000 $ 1,300 $ 500
County Services$ 9,470 $ 9,470 $ 12,200
Enterprise Financial System$ -   $ -   $ -  
Memberships$ 4,200 $ 4,271 $ 4,965
Office Expense$ 10,000 $ 8,000 $ 6,000
Office Furniture$ 25,000 $ 29,673 $ -  
Major Equip. Replacement$ 1,800 $ -   $ 1,800
Total Services & Supplies$ 205,220 $ 217,475 $ 149,665

Total Expenditures

Expenses2018 - 2019 Adopted BudgetProjected Year End 2019 - 2020 Adopted Budget
Total Expenditures$ 796,055
$ 792,475
$ 762,295


Funding Agencies

Source2018 - 2019 Adopted BudgetProjected Year-End 2019 - 2020 Adopted Budget
County$ 266,746$ 266,746 $ 279,718 
Special Districts$ 133,373$ 133,373 $ 139,859 
Cities$ 266,746 $ 266,746 $ 279,718
Total Revenues$ 666,865 $ 666,864 $699,295

Other Revenues

Source2018 - 2019 Adopted Budget Projected Year-End 2019 - 2020 Adopted Budget
Interest on Invested Cash$ 5,000 $ 17,000 $ 8,000
Fee for Services$ 0$ 55,000$ 0
Miscellaneous Revenues   $ 417 
Use of Fund Balance $ 124,190$ 53,194 $ 55,000
Total Other Revenues$ 5,000$ 53,194$ 55,000

Total Revenues

Title2018 - 2019 Adopted Budget Projected Year-End 2019 - 2020                  
Adopted Budget
Total Revenue Sources$ 796,055  
$ 792,475  
$ 762,295 

Fund Balance

2018-19  Beginning Fund Balance $ 507,958
Deposit for Geyserville Application $ (10,000)
Available $ 497,958
2018-19 Needed (Projected) to  Balance Expenditures/Revenues $ (53,194)
Consultant Work - MSRs, Studies $ (170,000)
  $ 274,764
Projected Fund Balance Use, 2019-20 $ (55,000)
Available in 2019-20 $ $ 219,764