News Index
Windsor Fire Protection District Reorganization
The boards of directors of theWindsor, Bennett Valley, and Rincon Valley Fire Protection Districts and theSonoma County Board of Supervisors, acting as the board of directors of CountyService Area No. 40 (Fire Services), concurrently adopted a resolution earlierthis year initiating formation of a single, unified district to provide fireprotection and emergency services more efficiently and effectively and withgreater financial feasibility in the central portion of the County. Read full story
Roseland Fire Protection District Dissolution
The board of directors of theRoseland Fire Protection District initiated dissolution of the District becausethe board determined that, after the annexation of the Roseland Area to theCity of Santa Rosa in 2017, the District did not have the operational orfinancial capability to efficiently or effectively serve the only two areasoutside the City that remained in the District. Read full story
Notice of Application for Detachment from the Palm Drive Healthcare District
Notice of Application for Detachment from the Palm Drive Healthcare District Dueto the concerns of continued mismanagement and the potential for theaccumulation of additional debt, registered voters residing within the PalmDrive Health Care District have applied to Sonoma LAFCO for detachment from the Read full story
Notice of Public Hearing
Fiscal Year 2019-20 Sonoma LAFCO Proposed BudgetHearing Date: April 3, 2019 Read full story
Notice of Public Hearing
File No. 2018-14: Roseland Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 18-01 (Roseland FPD) Involving Dissolution of the Roseland Fire Protection District, Annexation of the Portion of the District outside the City of Santa Rosa to the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District, and Allocation of the Assets of the District to the City of Santa RosaHearing Date: April 3, 2019 Read full story
Aviso de Audencia de Protesta Pública
Expediente núm. 2018-16: Reorganización núm. 18-01 del Distrito de protección contra incendios de Windsor (Windsor FPD, según sus siglas en inglés), que implica la Disolución del Distrito de protección contra incendios de Rincon Valley y el Distrito de protección contra incendios de Bennett Valley, la Separación del territorio del Área de servicio del condado núm. 40 (bomberos) y la incorporación de estos territorios al Distrito de protección contra incendios de Windsor.Audiencia pública el 3 de abril del 2019 Read full story
Notice of Public Hearing
File No. 2018-15: Windsor Reorganization No. 2017-27 (North Arata Area) Involving Annexation to the Town of Windsor and the Windsor Water District and Detachment from County Service Area No. 41 (Multi-Services)Hearing Date: April 3, 2019 Read full story
Notice of Public Hearing
File No. 2018-16: Windsor Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 18-01 (Windsor FPD) Involving Dissolution of the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District and the Bennett Valley Fire Protection District, Detachment of Territory from County Service Area No. 40 (Fire Services) and Annexation of Those Territories to the Windsor Fire Protection DistrictHearing Date: April 3, 2019 Read full story
Aviso de Audencia de Protesta Pública
Expediente núm. 2018-14: Reorganización núm. 18-01 del Distrito de protección contra incendios del Distrito de Roseland (Roseland FPD, según sus siglas en inglés) que implica la disolución del Distrito de protección contra incendios de Roseland, la incorporación de la porción del Distrito fuera de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa al Distrito de protección contra incendios de Rincon Valley y la Repartición de los activos del Distrito a la ciudad de Santa Rosa. Audiencia pública el 3 de abril del 2019 Read full story
Notice of Public Hearing
File No. 2018-09: Amendment No. 1 to the Sphere of Influence of the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District.File No. 2018-14: Roseland Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 18-01 (Roseland FPD) Involving Dissolution of the Roseland Fire Protection District, Annexation of the Portion of the District Outside the City of Santa Rosa to the Rincon Valley Fire Protection District, and Allocation of the Assets of the District, Including Reserves, to the City of Santa Rosa.Hearing Date: February 6, 2019 Read full story