Proposal for Reorganization of the Gold Ridge and Monte Rio Fire Protection Districts
The Commission will be reviewing a proposal to reorganize the Gold Ridge and Monte Rio Fire Protection Districts involving dissolution of Monte Rio Fire and subsequent annexation of the District’s territory into Gold Ridge Fire.
If the reorganization is approved, all assets and liabilities of Monte Rio Fire will transfer to Gold Ridge Fire.
Gold Ridge has voter-approved special taxes (parcel taxes) that will be applied to Monte Rio after the reorganization. Gold Ridge’s taxes are higher than a parcel tax approved by Monte Rio residents.
The proposed action has been evaluated for compliance with the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and found to be exempt in that no new or different services are expected to be provided.
If the commission orders approval of the reorganization it will conduct a protest proceeding to gauge registered voter and landowner sentiment in the Monte Rio Fire territory. Depending on the outcome of the proceeding, the approval will stand, be vacated, or become subject to a referendum.
The Plan for Service, a document describing how the reorganized agencies will operate, is available.
The Commission is scheduled to conduct a hearing on this proposal at its Wednesday, March 5, 2025 meeting at or after 2:00 pm. The Commission meeting will be held at Sonoma County Administration Building, 575 Administration Drive, Room 102A, Santa Rosa, California. Please see the Notice of Hearing for information on how to provide comment on this matter.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission that the Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 at or after 2:00 p.m., at the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa.
The purpose of the hearing is for the Commission to receive written protests filed against the following item:
File No. 2024-13: Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 2024-13 Involving Dissolution of the Monte Rio Fire Protection District, and Annexation of That Same Territory to the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District
The proposal was initiated by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District (Gold Ridge FPD) and by the Board of the Monte Rio Fire Protection District. Gold Ridge FPD submitted an application including a plan for serving the affected territory. These documents can be viewed on the Commissions website at:
The short form designation is Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorg No. 2024-13 (Monte Rio FPD)
The territory to be annexed to Gold Ridge FPD comprises those parcels located within the Monte Rio Fire Protection District, which serves the unincorporated communities of Villa Grande, Duncans Mills, and Jenner and environs in the lower Russian River area in western Sonoma County.
The reason for the reorganization is to achieve greater economy and efficiency in providing fire protection and emergency medical services for the residents of and visitors to the area.
Owners of property annexed to the Gold Ridge FPD will be subject to special taxes, including parcel taxes, that the District collects due to voter-approved tax measures. For a typical single-family home, the current assessed parcel tax is $265 per year. Sonoma Valley FD’s special tax roll is generally higher than taxes assessed by the Monte Rio Fire Protection District.
To determine the taxation level for your property, please contact Gold Ridge Fire Protection District at 707-823-1084.
The Commission approved the reorganization by Resolution No.2793 on March 5, 2025, which sets forth a full and complete description and the terms and conditions of the Commission’s approval. The Commission found the proposal exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15320 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Protest Notice of Hearing and Filing Instructions
Protest Form