Sonoma Valley Fire Sphere of Influence Amendment
LAFCO staff has prepared a Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Study for six fire and emergency service agencies in the Sonoma Valley region, and the Commission will consider adopting the report and adopting sphere amendments at the November 6, 2019 meeting.
The agencies reviewed in the study are:
- The Kenwood Fire Protection District.
- The Glen Ellen Fire Protection District, which is served under contract by the Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority.
- Portions of County Service Area 40 – Fire Services, including territory served by the Mayacamas Volunteer Fire Department, and Integrated Response Plan area 31-75.
- The Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District, operating as the Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority.
- The City of Sonoma, which is served under contract by the Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority.
- The Schell-Vista Fire Protection District.
The study is in Public Review Draft status, and includes a main report and four appendices. Subject agencies, affected agencies, and interested parties are encouraged to submit comments to the Commission in writing, or to the Commission at the November meeting.
Staff is recommending that the Commission provide direction regarding any changes to the determinations in the report, with the intention of adopting the determinations by resolution. (Determinations are expressions of the Commission’s viewpoint on matters related to service provision by the subject agencies.)
Staff is also recommending that the Commission allow for factual corrections to the report (but not changes to the determinations) subsequent to their review. This will allow staff, subject agencies, and interested parties additional time to amend the report, which will subsequently be published in final form.
The report provides an evaluation of the subject agencies, and recommends sphere of influence amendments.
Staff is recommending that the Glen Ellen Fire Protection District sphere of influence be extended to cover the territories of the other five agencies, which would allow for reorganization proposals that would consolidate some or all of the agencies in the region.
If and when reorganizations are proposed, registered voters and landowners within the affected territories will have the right to protest Commission actions. It should be noted that reorganizations may result in the imposition of special taxes on landowners within affected territories. Notices will be issued regarding Commission consideration of reorganization proposals, and to inform the public of protest proceedings.
Please direct any correspondence or inquiries to the Executive Officer.