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City of Santa Rosa MSR and Sphere of Influence

The Local Agency Formation Commission of Sonoma County solicited proposals from qualified consultants to prepare a Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence Study for the City of Santa Rosa. The City requested that its sphere of influence be made coterminous with the limits of its citizen-approved Urban Growth Boundary.  This would indicate the expansion of the sphere of influence in select areas, and the removal of territory that is currently within the sphere but outside the Urban Growth Boundary.

 The Request for Proposal is available here.  


The Commission has published a “Public Review Draft” of a Municipal Services Review and Sphere of Influence study for the City of Santa Rosa, and proposes to consider adopting the report, and amending the City’s sphere of influence, at the March 6, 2024 meeting. 

The Municipal Service Review portion of the study evaluates the City across a half-dozen areas, including governance, financial capability, and the provision of services. The Sphere of Influence portion of the report recommends that the sphere be amended to match the City’s Urban Growth Boundary, which has been established through a citizen-approved city ordinance. The sphere of influence is a LAFCO designated zone; properties within the sphere are eligible to seek annexation to the City. Notably, the sphere amendment will add territory south of the city, and will remove some territories north of the city that are outside of the City’s urban growth boundary.


The Public Review Draft of the study is posted here, and all documents related to the Commission’s deliberations with regard to the report will be posted prior to the March 2024 Commission meeting. All comments concerning the draft should be made in writing and directed to: 

Mark Bramfitt
Executive Officer
Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission
PO Box 1428
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

or emailed to

Public Review Draft Number Two

The Commission has published a “Public Review Draft” of a Municipal Services Review and Sphere of Influence study for the City of Santa Rosa, and will consider adopting the report, and amending the City’s sphere of influence, at the May 1, 2024 meeting.


The Municipal Service Review portion of the study evaluates the City across a half-dozen areas, including governance, financial capability, and the provision of services.


The Sphere of Influence portion of the report recommends that the sphere be amended to match the City’s Urban Growth Boundary, which has been established through a citizen-approved city ordinance. The sphere of influence is a LAFCO designated zone; properties within the sphere are eligible to seek annexation to the City. Notably, the sphere amendment will add territory south of the city and will remove some territories north of the city that are outside of the City’s urban growth boundary.


The Public Review Draft of the study is posted here, and all documents related to the Commission’s deliberations with regard to the report will be posted prior to the May 2024 Commission meeting.All comments concerning the draft should be made in writing and directed to: 

Mark Bramfitt
Executive Officer
Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission
PO Box 1428
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

or emailed to

Adopted Final Copy May 1, 2024

The Commission conducted a noticed public hearing to consider the MSR/SOI Study and Sphere of Influence Amendments on May 1, 2024. At the hearing, the Commission heard and received all relevant oral and written testimony and evidence presented or filed and considered the Executive Officer’s Report and the MSR/SOI Study and Sphere of Influence Amendments. All interested persons were given the opportunity to hear and be heard. At the conclusion of public testimony, the Commission closed the public hearing and adopted the determinations in the MSR/SOI Study and voted to amend the sphere of influence of the City of Santa Rosa. The final copy is posted here.