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Notice of Position Availability April 15 2022

Published: March 06, 2022

The Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) invites interested persons to apply for the position of the Public Member (Regular) and Public Member – Alternate on the Commission to complete a four-year term ending in May 2026.

LAFCO is an independent agency created by the State of California in 1963. By statute, the Commission is charged with discouraging urban sprawl, encouraging the orderly formation and development of governmental agencies within its jurisdiction, and preserving agricultural resources. 

The Commission has the power to approve or disapprove all annexations of land to and from cities and special districts in Sonoma County. The Commission also has the power to approve or disapprove the formation or reorganization of cities and special districts.

The Commission is composed of seven regular voting members: two members from the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, two members from city councils, two members from independent special district boards, and one public member. Each membership category has an alternate member, who may participate in meetings but can vote only upon the absence or disqualification of a member from his or her membership category. 

The other regular Commission members appoint the public member and alternate, whose terms of office is four years.  Sonoma LAFCO meets the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in Santa Rosa and holds special meetings, if needed. 

Interested individuals must be residents of Sonoma County, be able to regularly attend LAFCO meetings, and may not be officers or employees of the county or any city or special district within the county. 

Previous involvement in or experience with issues of local concern in Sonoma County is preferred. The public member is a public official and is required to file a standard financial disclosure statement annually with the California Fair Political Practices Commission.

Candidates for the position must complete an application and provide a resume indicating applicable experience and/or service. Application forms are available on the Commission’s website here or upon request. The Commission will conduct an interview and selection process after a review of filed applications.

All application materials must be submitted to Sonoma LAFCO, by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 2022

For additional information, please contact Sonoma LAFCO at 707-565-2577 or by email at