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Notice of Public Hearing on Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization

Published: March 03, 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission will conduct a public hearing at or after 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, at the Sonoma County Supervisors Chambers, 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, at which time all interested persons may be heard on the following item:

File No. 2023-02: Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization (CSA 40 – Fire Services) Involving Detachment of areas from County Service Area 40 and Annexation of those Territories to the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District

The affected territory proposed to be annexed includes:

  • Area served by the Ft. Ross Volunteer Fire Company, north of Monte Rio and inland from the Timber Cove area.
  • Area served by the Camp Meeker Volunteer Fire Company, between Monte Rio and Occidental in the lower Russian River area.
  • Territories served by the Lakeville, San Antonio, Wilmar, Two Rock, Bloomfield, Valley Ford, and Bodega Volunteer Fire Companies, extending from southern Petaluma Valley and northwest along the border with Marin County.
  • Parcels included within IRP 81

The proposal was initiated by the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District.

LAFCO will be considering a request for amendment of the sphere of influence of the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District to include the County Service Area 40 territories noted above, immediately prior to the hearing on this matter. Territory must be within an agency’s sphere of influence to be eligible for annexation.

The Gold Ridge Fire Protection District imposes special taxes, and therefore landowners within the areas to be annexed will be assessed those taxes, if the reorganization is approved.  The District also retains the right to seek additional special tax levies subject to voter approval.

The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15320 of the State CEQA Guidelines

At the hearing, LAFCO will hear any relevant oral or written testimony and evidence presented or filed regarding the proposed reorganization.

Should LAFCO approve the reorganization proposal, a Protest Proceeding will be conducted to allow landowners and registered voters within the affected territories to lodge their written protest of the proposal.  If sufficient protests are received, the reorganization will be subject to a vote by registered voters or be vacated outright.

Copies of all documents relating to the action will be made available for review on or before March 31, 2023 at the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission Office at 111 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 240, Santa Rosa, on the Commission’s web site at or by request to

To be included with hearing materials, written comments must be received by March 28, 2023. Written comments received after that date will be provided to the Commission at the public hearing.


If you challenge the action of the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission on the subject reorganization in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission at, or prior to, the hearing.

By: Mark Bramfitt, Executive Officer

Date: March 3,