Notice of Public Hearing North Sonoma County Fire Protection District Reorganization
Published: August 01, 2022
Sonoma LAFCO will be considering a proposal from the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District (NSCFPD) to annex four areas within northern Sonoma County, at their meeting on September 7, 2022.
NSCFPD (which was the Geyserville Fire Protection District before a recent renaming), proposes to annex:
- The Geysers area of Integrated Response Plan 61 (IRP 61)
- The Gray Creek Road area of IRP 61
- The Fitch Mountain area (IRP 63)
- The lower Dry Creek Road and Mill Creek Road areas of IRP 64 (Sotoyome)
These areas are all within Sonoma County Service Area 40 – Fire Services.
NSCFPD is proposing this reorganization to provide increased fire and emergency services in the region, with an emphasis on prevention, preparedness and mitigation.
The proposal does not include any additional taxation for the property owners within the annexation areas.
For complete information regarding this proposal, and how to file comments, please refer to the Notice of Hearing.