Regular Commission Meeting April 5 2023
Date: April 05, 2023
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
575 Adminstration Drive Santa Rosa
Registration Required: No
PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to state law, any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda after the posting of the agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure will be made available for public review at 111 Santa Rosa Ave Ste 240 Santa Rosa CA during normal business hours or by email request.
Supplemental documents made available to the Commission after the posting of this agenda can be found in the attachments for Item 4.3 titled File No. 2023-02: Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 2023-02 (CSA 40 Territories). These documents are titled Suppliemental letter received from Occidental Fire Department and Suppliemental Zone Map of North Bay Fire Service Zones
- Call to Order by the Chair
- Public Comment: The public is invited to address the Commission regarding any item that is not scheduled for discussion as part of this Agenda. No action will be taken by the Commission at this meeting as a result of items presented at this time.
- Consent Calendar:
- Meeting Minutes, March 1st, 2023
Attachment - Outside Service Area Authorizations and Accessory Dwelling Units – Resolution of Consent
Staff Report
Attachment - Independent Financial Audit Report for Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-2020
Environmental Review: Not a project under CEQA
Staff Report
- Meeting Minutes, March 1st, 2023
- Public Hearings:
- File No. 2023-05: Municipal Service Review for South County Territory of County Service Area 40 (Fire Services) - Amendment
Environmental Review: Not a project under CEQA
Staff Report
Attachment - File No. 2023-09 Sphere of Influence Study and Amendment for Portions of County Service Area 40 – Fire Services
Environmental Review: Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15306, 15262, and 15061 (b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines
Staff Report
Attachment 1
Attachment 2 - File No. 2023-02: Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization No. 2023-02 (CSA 40 Territories) Involving Detachment of areas from COunty Service Area 40 and Annexation of those Territories to the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District.
Environmental Review: Exempt pursuant to Section 15320 and 15061 (b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines
Staff Report
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Supplemental Letter received from Occidental Fire Department
Supplemental Zone Map of North Bay Fire Service Zones - Fiscal Year 2023-34 Proposed Budget
Environmental Review: Not a project under CEQA
Staff Report
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
- File No. 2023-05: Municipal Service Review for South County Territory of County Service Area 40 (Fire Services) - Amendment
- Regular Calendar:
1. Election of Officers and Appointments to Standing Committees
Environmental Review: Not a project under CEQA
Staff Report
2. Requested Changes to Commission Budget – Position Allocations
Environmental Review: Not a project under CEQA
Staff Report
Attachment 1 - Information/Report Items
- Executive Officer’s Report and Legislative Report
- Brown Act and Hybrid Meetings Attachments
- Status Reports:
- Legislative Affairs:
- General Announcements Informational
- Confirm Meetings
1. Commission Meeting: May 3, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. - Adjournment
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a LAFCO meeting, please contact the LAFCO Clerk at (707) 565-2577. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist LAFCO staff in assuring that reasonable accommodations are made to provide accessibility to the meeting.
Pursuant to SB 343, any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda after the posting of the agenda and not otherwise exempt from disclosure will be made available for public review at 111 Santa Rosa Ave Ste 240, Santa Rosa, CA during normal business hours. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members of the Commission less than 72 hours prior to this meeting will be made available on the Commission’s website at If the supplemental materials are made available to the members of the Commission at the meeting, a copy will be available for public review at the same address and at the Commission meeting itself.
For accessibility assistance with any of the meeting documents, please contact Sonoma LAFCO at (707) 565-2577 or email us at
Pursuant to Government Code Section 84308, if you wish to participate in the proceedings indicated on this agenda, you or your agent is prohibited from making a campaign contribution of $250 or more to any Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner. This prohibition begins on the date you begin to actively support or oppose an application before LAFCO and continues until three months after a final decision is rendered by LAFCO. If you or your agent has made a contribution of $250 or more to any Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner during the 12 months preceding the decision, that Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner must disqualify himself or herself from the decision in the proceeding. However, disqualification is not required if the Commissioner or Alternate Commissioner returns that campaign contribution within 30 days of learning both about the contribution and the fact that you are a participant in the proceedings.
Pursuant to Government Code Sections 56700.1 and 81000 et seq., any person or combination of persons who directly or indirectly contributes $1,000 or more or expends $1,000 or more in support of or in opposition to a change of organization or reorganization that will be or has been submitted to the Sonoma Local Agency Formation Commission must comply, to the same extent as provided for local initiative measures, with reporting and disclosure requirements of the California Political Reform Act of 1974. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Fair Political Practices Commission at (916) 322-5660.